Ana3.2 K-Means分群實作


首先,分群程式中所使用的 K-Means 分群演算法的細節內容如下:

# 產生k個中心點

for i in range(最大疊代數):
    # 將每一個資料點,指定到距離近中心點的群內
    # 更新中心點
    # 計算Square Error, SE
    # 停止條件: 當SE不再變動時停止
    # 記錄相關資訊


# 顯示開始訊息

# 讀取「訓練」資料檔
# 對「訓練」資料執行K-Means分群
# 儲存「訓練」資料的分群結果
# 顯示「訓練」資料的分群結果

# 讀取「測試」資料檔
# 對「測試」資料執行K-Means分群
# 儲存「測試」資料的分群結果
# 顯示「測試」資料的分群結果

# 顯示結束訊息
  • 參考檔案:
# coding=utf-8
# 匯入模組
import bisect
import copy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import random
import sys

from sklearn.metrics.cluster import normalized_mutual_info_score as nmi

# 定義變數

# 定義函數
def load_data(file_name=""):
    if file_name:
        data_list = []

        with open(file_name, "r") as f:
            for s in f.readlines():
                s = s.strip(" \t\r\n").split(",")
                s = [float(i) for i in s[0:len(s)-1]] + [int(s[-1])]

        return data_list
        print("[Err][Msg] No data to read.")

def add_center(data_point):
    # e.g., format of a center = [x, y, class-label]
    center_info = dict()
    center_info['dimensions'] = [i for i in data_point[0: len(data_point)-1]]
    center_info['num_members'] = 0

    return center_info

def plot_display_axis_configuration(data_list):

        x_max = -sys.maxsize
        y_max = -sys.maxsize
        x_min = sys.maxsize
        y_min = sys.maxsize

        for x, y, c in data_list:
            if x > x_max:
                x_max = copy.copy(x)
            if x < x_min:
                x_min = copy.copy(x)
            if y > y_max:
                y_max = copy.copy(y)
            if y < y_min:
                y_min = copy.copy(y)

        PLOT_DISPLAY_AXIS = [x_min-1, x_max+1, y_min-1, y_max+1]


# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def distance_to_center(data_point, center_point, lamda=2):
    distance = 0.0
    lamda = float(lamda)

    for a, b in zip(data_point, center_point):
        distance += (abs(a - b)**lamda)

    return distance**(1.0/lamda)

def binary_pick(d):
    # create CDF
    for i in range(1, len(d)):
        d[i] = d[i] + d[i-1]

    # normalize D
    d_max = copy.copy(d[-1])
    d = [di/d_max for di in d]

    # pick a data-point as center
    f = random.uniform(0, 1)
    i = bisect.bisect(d, f) - 1

    return i

def linear_pick(d):
    total = sum(d) * random.random()

    for i, di in enumerate(d):
        total -= di

        if total > 0:
            return i

    # if above loop doesn't return any i,
    # it will come to here then return last one element of D,
    # but it should never come to here.
    return 0

def random_initialization(data_list, num_cluster):
    picked_data = sorted(random.sample(range(len(data_list)), num_cluster))
    center_list = [add_center(data_list[i]) for i in picked_data]

    return center_list

def k_means_plusplus_initialization(data_list, num_cluster, pick_type="linear"):
    # random pick one data-point as a center
    num_data = len(data_list)
    num_center = 1
    center_list = [add_center(data_list[random.choice(range(num_data))])]

    # pick the rest of centers
    while num_center < num_cluster:
        d = []

        for data_point in data_list:
            min_distance = sys.maxsize

            for center_point in center_list:
                center_point = center_point['dimensions']

                # calculate distance of each data-point to each center
                distance = distance_to_center(data_point, center_point)

                if distance < min_distance:
                    min_distance = distance


        # pick one data-point as a center
        if pick_type == "linear":

        num_center += 1

    return center_list

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def find_closest_center(data_list, center_list):
    cluster_result = {}

    for i, data_point in enumerate(data_list):
        center_index = None
        min_distance = sys.maxsize

        # find a center with minimal distance
        for j, center_point in enumerate(center_list):
            center_point = center_point['dimensions']

            distance = distance_to_center(data_point, center_point)

            if distance < min_distance:
                center_index = j
                min_distance = distance

        # assign data-point to the cluster
        center_list[center_index]['num_members'] += 1
        cluster_result[i] = center_index + 1

    return cluster_result

def update_cluster_center(data_list, cluster_result, center_list):
    # reset dimensions' value
    for c in center_list:
        c['dimensions'] = [0.0] * len(c['dimensions'])

    # sum of dimension values of a cluster center
    for di, cj in cluster_result.items():
        c = center_list[cj-1]['dimensions']

        for k in range(len(c)):
            c[k] += data_list[di][k]

    # reset center-info
    for c in center_list:
        c['dimensions'] = [float(i/c['num_members']) if c['num_members'] != 0 else 0.0 for i in c['dimensions']]
        c['num_members'] = 0

    return center_list

def calculate_square_error(data_list, cluster_result, center_list):
    square_error = 0

    for di, cj in cluster_result.items():
        data_point = data_list[di]
        center_point = center_list[cj-1]['dimensions']

        for a, b in zip(data_point, center_point):
            square_error += abs(a - b) ** 2

    return square_error

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def clustering_data(data_list=None, num_cluster=2, num_iteration=100, initial_type="random", show_center_move=False):
    if data_list:
        # 1.initialize k-centers: random or k-means++
        print("[Msg][Init] Initialize cluster centers.")
        center_list = []

        if initial_type == "random":
            center_list = random_initialization(data_list, num_cluster)
            center_list = k_means_plusplus_initialization(data_list, num_cluster, "linear")

        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        # clustering data
        cluster_result = {}
        square_error = sys.maxsize

        for i in range(num_iteration):
            # preserve old centers
            old_square_error = copy.copy(square_error)

            # 2.classify each to the closest center
            cluster_result = find_closest_center(data_list, center_list)

            # 3.update centers
            new_center = update_cluster_center(data_list, cluster_result, center_list)

            # calculate square-error
            square_error = calculate_square_error(data_list, cluster_result, center_list)

            # stop-condition: square-error is no more improving
            print("[Msg][Loop] Iteration {0}, square-error: {1:.2f}".format(i + 1, square_error))

            if show_center_move:
                visualize_result("centers-movement-{0}.png".format(i+1), data_list, cluster_result, center_list, False, True)

            if square_error == old_square_error:
                print("[Msg][Stop] Stop clustering, centers are stable!")
                return cluster_result, center_list
                # preserve related info.
                old_square_error = square_error
                center_list = copy.deepcopy(new_center)

        # stop by reaching maximal iterations
        print("[Msg] STOP clustering, reach maximal iterations!")
        return cluster_result, center_list
        print("[ERR][Msg] No data for clustering.")

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def classifying_data(data_list=None, center_list=None):
    if data_list and center_list:
        return find_closest_center(data_list, center_list)
        print("[ERR][Msg] No data for classifying.")

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def save_result(file_name="k-means_results.txt", data_list=None, cluster_result=None, center_list=None):
    if data_list and cluster_result and center_list:
        with open(file_name, "w") as f:
            # centers' info

            for i in range(len(center_list)):
                c = center_list[i]
                f.write("center-{0}: {1}\n".format(i+1, c['dimensions']))

            # data-points' cluster
            identified_cluster = []


            for i in sorted(cluster_result):
                f.write("{0}: {1}\n".format(i + 1, cluster_result[i]))

            # NMI value: clustering accuracy
            true_cluster = [i[-1] for i in data_list]

            f.write("Normalized Mutual Information (NMI) as accuracy\n")
            f.write("{0}\n".format(nmi(true_cluster, identified_cluster)))
        print("[ERR][Msg] No data to save.")

def visualize_result(file_name="k-means-results.png", data_list=None, cluster_result=None, center_list=None, image_show=False, image_save=False):
    if data_list and cluster_result and center_list:
        # plot parameters
        plot_marker_alpha = 0.75
        plot_marker_list = ['o', 'x', 'D', '8', 's', '^', 'v', 'H'] * len(center_list)
        plot_marker_size = 25
        plot_x_size = 6
        plot_y_size = 6
        plot_dpi = 300

        # prepare data
        cluster_dict = {}

        for i, c in cluster_result.items():
            x, y, tmp = data_list[i]

            if c in cluster_dict:
                cluster_dict[c] = {}
                cluster_dict[c]['x'] = [x]
                cluster_dict[c]['y'] = [y]

        # draw data figure
        fig, axes = plt.subplots(figsize=(plot_x_size, plot_y_size), facecolor='w')

        for c in sorted(cluster_dict):
            x = cluster_dict[c]['x']
            y = cluster_dict[c]['y']
            marker_style = plot_marker_list[c-1]
            axes.scatter(x, y, marker=marker_style, s=plot_marker_size, alpha=plot_marker_alpha)

        # draw centers
        for c in center_list:
            x, y = c['dimensions']
            axes.scatter(x, y, color="r", marker="*", s=plot_marker_size*2, alpha=plot_marker_alpha)

        # plot setting

        # save and show figure

        if image_save:
            plt.savefig(file_name, dpi=plot_dpi, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.05)

        if image_show:

        print("[ERR][Msg] No data to visualize.")

def k_means_clustering(filename_prefix="2d-data", num_cluster=2):
    print(">>> K-means clustering")

    # clustering training data
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    print("[Msg] Clustering the training data.")
    print("[Msg] Load training data")
    train_data = load_data(file_name="{0}-train.txt".format(filename_prefix))

    # k-means clustering
    print("[Msg] Clustering training data.")
    cluster_result, center_list = clustering_data(train_data, num_cluster, initial_type="k-means++", show_center_move=True)

    # save clustering results
    print("[Msg] Save clustering result")
    save_result("k-means-train-results.txt", train_data, cluster_result, center_list)

    # visualize clustering results
    print("[Msg] Visualize clustering result.")
    visualize_result("k-means-train-results.png", train_data, cluster_result, center_list, False, True)

    # classifying testing data
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    print("[Msg] Classifying the testing data.")
    print("[Msg] Load testing data.")
    test_data = load_data(file_name="{0}-test.txt".format(filename_prefix))

    # k-classifying
    print("[Msg] Classifying testing data.")
    classify_result = classifying_data(test_data, center_list)

    print("[Msg] Save classifying result")
    save_result("k-means-test-results.txt", test_data, classify_result, center_list)

    print("[Msg] Visualize classifying result.")
    visualize_result("k-means-test-results.png", test_data, classify_result, center_list, False, True)

    print(">>> STOP K-means clustering")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    k_means_clustering(filename_prefix="2d-data", num_cluster=3)


  • 參考檔案: k-means-train-results.txt
center-1: [5.1680711449639976, 4.930908880262219]
center-2: [-4.885116286698693, -5.173046820775724]
center-3: [-0.25568822278366576, -0.033045844275341185]

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Normalized Mutual Information (NMI) as accuracy



  • 參考檔案: k-means-test-results.txt
center-1: [5.1680711449639976, 4.930908880262219]
center-2: [-4.885116286698693, -5.173046820775724]
center-3: [-0.25568822278366576, -0.033045844275341185]

1: 2
2: 2
3: 2
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21: 1
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Normalized Mutual Information (NMI) as accuracy


results matching ""

    No results matching ""